Thursday, 21 May 2009

Transcribing digital images

Thanks to Alex over at winging it, I've discovered some free software to help with transcribing text from the digitised images of records that we're all using now

It's called Transcript and displays the digitised image in the top half of the screen and an RTF text editor in the bottom half so it's far easier to transcribe. You can even set it up to scroll down the image automatically every time you hit the "Enter" key or as the text wraps at the end of each line.

Guess what I've been doing today!



Alex Coles said...

You know you're a geneageek click on the jpg to see what someone else is transcribing!

Sheena said...

It's quite a good will - the eldest son only gets his share if he can provide legal proof that he's paid back the £400 the father's already lent to him.
Three years later father writes a codicil excluding the eldest son totally as he's already had over £500 "which greatly exceeds what would be his own just share"

Aren't families wonderful!